Salem Planting Goal Progress:

Last Updated: January 22, 2024
Am I In The Zone?
Meet Your Local Foresters:

Dave Bresnahan
Education: B.S. Natural Resources Management focus on Forestry, Umass Amherst 2005.
Experience: Dave is an ISA certified arborist and has been with the GGCP since 2014, for 11 planting seasons, and was the planting program’s first Forestry Assistant! He has supervised parks and trails maintenance crews, and urban tree planting crews for 10+ years in cities & county parks, and Gateway Cities and has worked on coastal restoration projects.
Interests: Travel, Live music and tree-tography.
Favorite Tree & Reason: Japanese Pagodatree (Styphnolobium japoinicum) for their majestic form and wide spreading canopy.

Marc Ghen
Education: Bachelor of Science, Forestry with Minor in Wildlife Conservation Biology, University of New Hampshire; Associates of Science, Forest Technology, University of New Hampshire.
Experience: Began working with the DCR in 2017, after receiving degree at UNH and working for 4 years in the Department of Woodlands and Natural Areas as a Forest Technician. Worked with the Rockingham County Conservation District as a technician, on projects such as invasive species control at Odiorne State Park in Rye, NH. Also worked as a Utility Forester with Eversource, and spent nearly 4 years with Exxon Mobil as an equipment operator and vegetation control specialist. ISA certified Arborist.
Interests: Arboriculture, Forestry, Gardening, Science and Mechanics.
Favorite Tree: European Copper beech (Fagus sylvatica) because of its grand size and burgundy foliage. Mature Copper beech are magnificent landscape specimens that are slow growing and have often witnessed hundreds of years of history.
Salem Partners:

Salem Sound Coastwatch
Salem Sound Coastwatch is a coastal watershed non-profit that promotes environmental awareness and stewardship through partnerships with residents, municipalities, state and federal agencies, and other NGOs. Salem Sound Coastwatch is excited to be working the City of Salem, DCR and the Greening Gateway City Program. Leading the way to a healthier sea and shore for over 30 years, Salem Sound Coastwatch mobilizes volunteer efforts that engage people with their environment to make local change happen. Here are some of the ways this is accomplished: • Promoting environmentally friendly landscaping practices that reduce stormwater runoff while conserving water and reducing chemicals • Focusing efforts on greening urban spaces and increasing urban tree canopy by promoting more trees and better tree maintenance • Connecting youth, educators and community members to their local watershed, coastal and ocean ecosystems through hands-on, place-based learning to build greater engagement with nature and science • Working to increase community resilience to climate change through education, adaptive planning and local actions.